When you need to buy addresses to companies BizWell is your provider of unbeatable data in more than 100 countries
When there's a need to reach consumers we've got you covered. We target your audience with extreme precision.
Effective communication globally or locally. We have the email addresses that you need for your EDR campaigns
When you need to buy fresh leads to your sales team we have Swedish and global channels available for this.
Our stream lined process allows us to help you send direct mail campaigns in Sweden to an unbeatable price.
Do you need phone numbers for your telemarketing / sales team? Raise the moral and effectivity with updated phone lists.
When there is need for market research we can help you with this through our established channels quickly and efficiently.
Do you want to get in touch with companies abroad? Perhaps you're expanding to another country and need to find new customers or partners? Our databases are updated daily through local authorities in over 100 countries.